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Jazz and Blues Comping Chord Key Finders


Have you wanted to play in a jazz combo but didn't know how to get started? 


These 3 sets of Jazz Comping Chords will jump start your Jazz Combo playing!


Each set of chords was carefully chosen to make you sound as awesome as possible.


You get a Blues Set, with 1, 4 and 5 chords with extended harmonies that are normally reserved for advanced students. Each chord is a voicing of the dominant 7th.


The Major 2-5-1 progression is a big part of the Great American Songbook. Master these and you will be well on your way to playing the what some people say is the greatest music to come out of America.


The Major 2-5-1 is a minor 7th, a dominant 7th, and a major 7th. Learning this pattern gives you the ability to recognize each of the 3 different 7th chords.


If you are playing Autumn Leaves or Fly Me to the Moon, you will need the Minor 2-5-1. This gives you a minor 7 flat 5, another dominant 7th chord, and a minor 6th. 


Learn the 3 sets of chords and transpose them in every key you can!





Piano Key Finders from Yellow Cat Publishing is a proven game changing tool for learning the keys for scales and chords.

(C) Piano Key Finders 2023

Website by Sugarbird Marketing

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