Here's a checklist I use with students when we get a new piece. You can download it below.
A few things to note:
Circling the sharps or flats ensures that students get it right. Sharps read from left to right, flats from right to left. Start on the edges and work in.
Minor is color coded orange
Major is color coded yellow
The color coding helps with differentiating between the tonics, dominants, and subdominants
With younger (or inexperienced) students, don't expect they will know what you are talking about when you use tonic, subdominant, and dominant. Use them anyway. They'll get them eventually.
Writing down the number of measures ensures that you look at the whole piece.
I use this when I'm going around the circle with students - Saints, Polovetzian, Happy Birthday, as well as all new pieces.
You can print and laminate the worksheet, and use a dry erase marker.
It's more interesting when the pieces have more sharps or flats

Download the New Piece Worksheet:
Happy Playing!