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New Piece Checklist

Sarah Lyngra

Here's a checklist I use with students when we get a new piece. You can download it below.

A few things to note:

  • Circling the sharps or flats ensures that students get it right. Sharps read from left to right, flats from right to left. Start on the edges and work in.

  • Minor is color coded orange

  • Major is color coded yellow

  • The color coding helps with differentiating between the tonics, dominants, and subdominants

  • With younger (or inexperienced) students, don't expect they will know what you are talking about when you use tonic, subdominant, and dominant. Use them anyway. They'll get them eventually.

  • Writing down the number of measures ensures that you look at the whole piece.

  • I use this when I'm going around the circle with students - Saints, Polovetzian, Happy Birthday, as well as all new pieces.

  • You can print and laminate the worksheet, and use a dry erase marker.

  • It's more interesting when the pieces have more sharps or flats

New piece worksheet
New piece worksheet

Download the New Piece Worksheet:

Happy Playing!





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