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Minor 3 note scales

Sarah Lyngra

Teaching the smallest thing to the greatest number of students. Getting students to repeat things that are more interesting.

How easy do you think it would be to teach minor 3 note scales around the circle of 5ths?

It's actually pretty easy. The pattern of skip a key- don't skip a key, and fingering of 1-2-3 in the right hand, or 3-2-1 for the left is easy for most students to remember, and using a circle of 5ths as a guide, going around the circle and repeating the patterns is almost effortless.

The video gives you some background on why I'm doing this, and if you check out the post on Puck around the Circle you will have an idea of why I'm playing around with minor 3rds and the minor 3 note scale.

3 Note Minor scales?

One of the reasons I am playing with the idea of the 3 note scales is that my students need to repeat things more. Once or twice isn't enough, but by going around the circle, I'm guaranteed to get at least 12 reps of whatever it is we are doing.

This last year with the recovery from two full knee replacements, I have spent a lot of time with physical therapists and trainers to relearn how to walk and redevelop my muscles. Thinking about the exercises and doing one or two reps isn't enough. Most exercises I do are 3 sets of 15. It's effortful, but finally having a pay off.

Knee recovery has influenced my approach to what we do in lessons. We now do more sets and reps. Playing around as we go around the circle is both more fun and more satisfying. Muscles in the hands respond to sets and reps the same way my leg muscles are. Consequently, my students' are experiencing more muscle growth and tone as we work our way around the circle.

I would love to hear about your experiences with minor and major 3 note scales.




Piano Key Finders from Yellow Cat Publishing is a proven game changing tool for learning the keys for scales and chords.

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