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Circle of 5ths workout for Jazz

Sarah Lyngra

(scroll down to download the free pdfs)

I recently picked up a book by Daniel Levitin, "I Heard There Was a Secret Chord, Music and Medicine." Levitin, a musician, neuroscientist, and writer, is a man worth watching and reading. Not only are his books well written, but they have direct applications for musicians and teachers.

I have a professional bias, of course. I love it when really smart people say things that reinforce what I'm trying to do.

These days, my focus is playing around the circle of 5ths. Literally. Playing something like chords, scales, a chord progression, a melody, and transposing it into all keys.

Anyone familiar with the original Karate Kid will recall Mr. Myiagi, and the "wax on, wax off" scene. This is where the Karate Kid repeats a mundane task, which is actually a way of training muscles so he can automatically block punches.

Circle of 5ths workouts are an elegant way of training muscles and your ear to recognize and execute passages in music.

These particular exercises are more advanced, they are 4 note chord progressions in both the major and minor keys. They are NOT reading workouts. They are playing and listening workouts.

To make progress think: Mindful repetitions over time. The first time you make it around the circle, you may be limping at the end. The chords may be difficult to find (unless you use the piano key finder cards). And, you, or your students may be unaccustomed to the fingerings.

However, over time, terrible becomes less terrible, and one day, all sorts of lightbulbs go off.

I created these workouts by modeling what I do when I go to the gym. I'm currently in rehab because of two full knee replacements, and I understand the process of going from terrible to less terrible to sort of ok. I'm not tap dancing yet, but it's on the distant horizon. Rehab is all about mindful repetitions over time. I don't see progress from day to day, and I have to trust the process is going to get me where I'm going. I also know if I don't do the exercises, I will stay in the terrible to getting worse range, which is a bad place to be.

I have charts that I use to measure my progress, because it reminds me where I started, and where I want to be. This is why the workouts have places for you to keep track of your progress.

Have I been using the Circle of 5ths workouts myself? Of course. I'm like the mad scientist who tests the medicines on myself first to make sure they won't kill the patients. I see improvements with my own playing and am recognizing chord progressions where I wasn't looking before (like in Bach).

Here's Workout 1 Circle of 5ths Major 2-5-1-4 and Minor 2-5-1 Do this one first the second one combines them into diatonic 7th chords in all keys.

Here's Workout 2 Combined Circle of 5ths Major 2-5-1-4 minor2-5-1

Want to make it easy for yourself? Get the cards:

You can find videos explaining more in depth at the Piano Key Finders YouTube Channel

And, if you want to be one of the first to get the next Circle of 5ths Workouts, sign-up to the newsletter!




Piano Key Finders from Yellow Cat Publishing is a proven game changing tool for learning the keys for scales and chords.

(C) Piano Key Finders 2023

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