Do you teach all keys from the beginning? Why (or why not)? I've been using key finder cards to teach all keys for over a year and a half and I won't go back.
What I've noticed over time is, playing the 5 note scales and chords in all keys is pretty easy, especially when using the cards. But, keeping track of each one, and playing a meaningful number of repetitions is less so.
Being able to do something isn't the same as actually doing it. Becoming good is composed of mindful repetitions over time. I like keeping track and measuring things. How else will I know what works?
You are one of the first to try this workout:

You can download the file below:
It was created to go with the 5 note major and minor key finder cards:
This Circle of 5ths Workout is the first of many, and may be subject to change over time. For example, in version 1, I had 10-20 reps instead of 5-10. I used it with a student in a lesson and found that 10-20 was too many and took way too long.
I also learned that some students aren't ready for playing hands together, so we only did right and left hand. Other students were ready for hands together from the beginning, so we skipped the individual hands. The metronome set was challenging for some, so the first rounds of the circle we didn't do it.
In the beginning, some students were terrible until they weren't. 100% of my students get it.
This is NOT a reading exercise. The point is to get comfortable on all the keys, and train the fingers and the ear.
Secondary benefits I'm seeing:
The format of keeping track of repetitions is developing practice habits.
Using the cards makes it possible to do the exercises without mistakes, which saves a lot of time.
Students are much more comfortable with keyboard geography.
The cards are needed until they aren't.
Once a student has completed one round of the Circle of 5ths workout, they are comfortable with doing another round at the next level.
Coming soon: more workouts!