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Adding the Right Hand to the Blues

Sarah Lyngra

If you have been following along with the "I'm at the piano, now what?!" series, you may have wondered if the right hand ever plays anything.

The question I had been wrestling with was, melody or harmony? Which one would be easier for a relatively new student to the blues?

I opted to start with more harmony, the rich sounds of the dominant 7th chords as they cycle through the blues pattern are satisfying to play.

In this video, you will start with whole notes with the right hand only. As always, counting aloud, tapping your foot, and keeping an even beat are important.

You will also want to pay attention to the fingering, in a recent lesson, my student found that her fingers were getting to the right keys before her brain caught up. Good, consistent fingerings, are your friend, and will help you play smoothly without losing time between chord changes. Download the pdf below for the music sheet and the fingering.

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