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Blues Chords for piano two ways
I think pianists are privileged. As a soloist, a pianist can play unaccompanied for hours, in front of a crowd or at home, with a full...
Sarah Lyngra
Jun 17, 20241 min read

The Blues Scale
When I think of the blues scale, I think of a handful of crayons. Or, a handful of pitches. The blues scale uses half, or 6 of the 12...
Sarah Lyngra
Jun 17, 20241 min read

The Major Scale
The major scale is a series of whole and half steps based on the white key pattern between C and C. Pictures and videos speak better than...
Sarah Lyngra
Jun 14, 20241 min read

Cream butter and sugar. . .
Earlier this week I was having a conversation about what you need to know before teaching something. For example, if you saw: Cream...
Sarah Lyngra
Jun 11, 20242 min read

What's a Riff
Once you have mastered the swing eight pattern, how about learning riffs. In this case, a riff is a short melody that gets played over a...
Sarah Lyngra
May 30, 20241 min read

It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing
I was about to do a video on riffs- short melodic phrases that can be played over a 12 bar blues form, but to sound great, the swing...
Sarah Lyngra
May 29, 20241 min read

Blues with Both Hands #1
So you're at the piano and have figured out how to play a basic blues pattern with the left had, and you can play shell voicings with the...
Sarah Lyngra
May 26, 20241 min read

Adding the Right Hand to the Blues
If you have been following along with the "I'm at the piano, now what?!" series, you may have wondered if the right hand ever plays...
Sarah Lyngra
May 26, 20241 min read

Blues for the Left Hand Round 3
This is the 3rd left hand blues video in the series. If you haven't mastered the first two, I'd suggest that you go back a step or two....
Sarah Lyngra
May 21, 20241 min read

Blues Round 2
Have you been working on the Blues? This is video 2 of the "I'm at the piano, now what?" Blues Edition. You continue to practice moving...
Sarah Lyngra
May 20, 20241 min read

Don't get the blues while playing the blues
Learning to play the blues is empowering for pianists. It's the gateway into jazz, improvisation, playing with others, playing alone...
Sarah Lyngra
May 15, 20242 min read

These chords will take you far . . .
Last week I was teaching a lesson to an adult student in Australia. She and I have been friends for ages, and we were laughing about an...
Sarah Lyngra
May 1, 20241 min read

Now what?! Whole, Half, and Quarter Notes.
Now you are starting to get used to counting and playing at the same time, it's time to up your game a tiny bit. This video demonstrates...
Sarah Lyngra
Apr 26, 20241 min read

I'm at the piano, now what?!
I teach adults. They are doing amazing things in their lessons, but when they get home, they get to the piano and they think they don't...
Sarah Lyngra
Apr 25, 20242 min read

Start with 3
If 8 rhythms is too much and your students are getting confused, start with 3. Playing perfect 5ths in all keys is something all of my...
Sarah Lyngra
Mar 22, 20242 min read

Pitch Converter Card
As I am becoming more and more of a collaborative musician, I am finding myself in the world of foreigners. Like clarinetists,...
Sarah Lyngra
Mar 12, 20241 min read

Left Hand Rhythm Warm-up
(scroll down for free download) Key Finder Cards are great, but, they aren't enough. When it comes to learning how to play the piano,...
Sarah Lyngra
Mar 4, 20242 min read

8 Rhythms
How do you teach rhythm to novices? Beginning piano lessons, piano lessons for beginners. There is so much to cover, not enough time, and...
Sarah Lyngra
Feb 28, 20242 min read

Chords Everywhere All at Once
Playing chords all over the piano, maybe (or not) all at once. This is a 5 part video series explaining how to use the Triad and...
Sarah Lyngra
Feb 15, 20241 min read

Deceptive Cadence
Recently I was reading something that Seth Godin had written about finding "people like us" and the smallest viable market. Obviously,...
Sarah Lyngra
Feb 10, 20242 min read
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